Sweet baby Alyssa is battling neuroblastoma (a form of childhood cancer). She was born December 27th, 2016.
From Alyssa’s Facebook Page: “The doctors had found, thru intense testing and scans over the last couple weeks of pregnancy 3 Neuroblastoma tumors the size of golf balls. One on each adrenal gland the other on her Bladder/pelvic. We have been told shes a 1:Billion baby. After birth a CT scan confirmed that she has a 4th mass in her liver and is now found on her skin. Due to the pressure in her abdomen from these tumors, she is not able to hold food down. She is now on a feeding tube that feeds her very slowly in hopes that she will hold down as much as possible. Every ounce held down is a victory. She is scheduled for a biopsy on Tuesday, 1/3/2017 and we will hopefully have an answer as to what stage this is in. We are very fortunate that the tumors were found in the womb. We have a great team of doctors on Alyssas’ side.”
More information on Alyssa: Team Alyssa Renee
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Love Transfusion, Inc. is a non-profit organization with a mission to help individuals facing difficult situations. The sad fact is, there are people all around us in the grip of fear, pain and loneliness. We believe that by connecting people who hurt with those who care, the resulting expressions of love and encouragement help ease people through life’s most difficult moments.
“Oh wow, you guys have made our night, week, month… my daughter is so excited. She is absolutely over the moon! Thank you for your love and prayers and well wishes. Thank you so very much Love Transfusion.”
Natalie S. - Australia
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